Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Stop the presses: Good news for Britney

Britney Spears (Jive Records)

Just when it seemed safe to write off Britney Spears as a punch line only capable of entertaining people through tabloid escapades, she goes and gets all musically relevant on us. "Blackout," her first studio album in four years, is not only a very good album, it's her best work ever - a triumph, with not a bad song to be found on the 12 tracks.

Granted, a Spears rave should be put in its proper context - it's not like we're talking Bob Dylan here. Spears is a lightweight singer who only flourishes when she has great songs and great producers to supplement her minimal vocal talent.

But when she has that help, she's fierce. And she gets that boost on every track on "Blackout," a sizzling, well-crafted, electro-pop dancefest that should return her to pop's elite.

It seems amazing that this walking disaster even found her way to a recording studio, let alone did anything of value while in it. But Spears emerges on "Blackout" as the antithesis of her tabloid persona - confident, sensual, and in control.

"I got my eye on you," she coos on one of the album's best tracks, "Radar," a sexy techno groove that you can't help but bounce to - a feeling that permeates all of "Blackout's" tracks. You won't find any saccharine ballads or fluffy pop on this disc - it's all about generating heat on the dance floor.

No, Spears hasn't completely lost it, and yes, her career has a flicker of fire left - actually much more. - Nekesa Mumbi Moody, The Associated Press

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