Saturday, 1 December 2007

Britney Spears Partners with to Host Charity Auction

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Britney Spears has chosen to work with exclusively to organize and promote the charitable auction of a signed copy of her new CD “Blackout” to benefit UNICEF.

Spears told X17online: “I think it’s important to give back and with the release of ‘Blackout,’ this seemed like the perfect opportunity to give the fans a chance to bid on something to help children everywhere.”

Spears’ most recent album, “Blackout,” is the #2 album in the US and the first single, “Gimme More,” is the most downloaded single on iTunes. is one of the Internet’s hottest destinations for celebrity news, photos, and video and has become a destination for Britney Spears fans around the world. These fans have been contacting X17online, asking us to ‘give them more’ Britney and here it is!

100% of proceeds will go to the United States Fund for UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund).

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